The Tie Dyed Onsie

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Getting ready for Halloween! Its my favorite time of the year, maybe because it's right around my birthday, maybe because there are copious amounts of candy involved. Or perhaps it's just because I enjoy a really good costume party... with lots of booze. Yep, that's why I love Halloween: candy and booze. There is also the added benefit of the disguise (aka costume) making your drunken fat self unrecognizable to others. I thought I was done decorating with my spooky web and lights, however, my neighbor's 15ft inflatable cat has me second guessing my skills. I suppose I'll be heading back to the Halloween supply store...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
My kids watch too much tv and I bribe them with candy...
I feel really guilty about the amount of tv my 2 year old watches. It is seriously on all day long. If I have to watch Dora again my head might explode. On the upside at least Dora is learning some more spanish. For a little mexican girl she really speaks too much english. Hopefully with the weather taking a turn for the beautiful, we'll be spending more time outdoors. Please give me the patience to teach him how to ride a trike... while I deal with the baby. That's where the candy comes into play... please be quiet, the baby is sleeping, here have some candy.
At least it's organic gummy bears, right?
At least it's organic gummy bears, right?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
And so it begins
Every so often I run across an awesome blog and I say to myself "self, you should start a blog. You are as funny and/or interesting as these other morons on the world wide innerwebz." So here goes nothing...
As of recent, I must admit my life has taken a turn for the normal. In the past decade I graduated college, bought a house, got married and had two kids (and, yes, in that exact order). I've had the same job for the past nine years, working for "the man". Oh God, I sound completely uninteresting. Quick, stop reading now, before I bore you to death.
As of recent, I must admit my life has taken a turn for the normal. In the past decade I graduated college, bought a house, got married and had two kids (and, yes, in that exact order). I've had the same job for the past nine years, working for "the man". Oh God, I sound completely uninteresting. Quick, stop reading now, before I bore you to death.
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